Call for Papers “Concepts and Facets of Entrepreneurial Diversity”
We welcome high-quality manuscripts looking at entrepreneurial diversity from different perspectives – either globally or indifferent facets of diversity. Manuscripts can be international in scope or can look at domestic issues with global relevance.Conceptual and empirical papers, from different analytical and methodological perspectives can be submitted. We welcometheoretical, qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method papers. Together, the papers should build a body of high-quality,cumulative research that recapitulates and extends our current knowledge concerning entrepreneurial diversity.
Guest Editors: Kerstin Ettl, University of Siegen, Germany, Siegrun Brink, Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn, Germany, Silke Tegtmeier, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Monder Ram, Aston University, UK
Manuscripts due by: 1 November – 31 December, 2019