Trademarks are the most widely used intellectual property right by firms across all economic sectors worldwide and the pace at which trademark applications grow is also increasing (WIPO, 2013). Even though trademark registration does not include any novelty requirement, there is already convincing conceptual and empirical evidence that trademarks have various links to innovation (Mendonca et al., 2004, Flikkema et al., 2014; Block et al., 2015): a substantial share of trademarks can be linked to innovations and innovative companies tend to trademark more than non-innovative ones.
The objective of this special issue (Call for Papers) is to promote theoretical, conceptual, and empirical research on the use and effects of trademarks with regard to innovation, entrepreneurship, and industrial organization. We welcome studies at all levels of analysis (e.g., firm, industry, regional, and country level), covering different countries and sectors.
Submissions deadline for the Special Issue is 28 February 2018. Please consult the journal submission guidelines available at