Call for Chapters – Women’s Entrepreneurship in Europe in FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship A Book Series Published with Springer, verlängerte Deadline 20.05.2017 (Edited by Stephanie Birkner, Kerstin Ettl, Ilona Ebbers, Friederike Welter)
The FGF working group‘Women Entrepreneurship’ acknowledges that gendered entrepreneurship phenomena occur at various levels of analysis. Hence, this series volume aims to bring together a plethora of different insights, with implications for research, education and practice. The call is therefore open to theoretical as well as empirical research papers, as well as case study submissions.
Theoretical research papers can for instance be literature reviews or papers critically discussing the conceptual foundation of women entrepreneurship research. Empirical research papers can build on qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method research designs. Beyond that, we also encourage the submission of theoretically grounded case studies on female founders and funders, which can be used to deepen the under-standing of a gender perspective in entrepreneurship education. Through this, the volume serves as a vehicle to help researchers, educators and professionals aiming to foster women entrepreneurship to obtain rich, multi-faced, and high quality knowledge.