As part of the IEES 2021- International Entrepreneurship Education Summit conference, organized by Prof. Dr. Nils Högsdal, a scientific Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be offered to facilitate cooperation among (potential) contributors of the volume „Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training: New Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice“ (open access edited volume to be published with Springer as part of the FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship). The Workshop will be organized by the editors and held on November 26, 2021. Authors of accepted proposals will have the opportunity to present their contributions.
Termin: 26. November 2021
Teilnahmegebühr: kostenfrei
Infos zur Einreichung von Submissions: Call for Papers
Submissions an:
Deadline for Submissions: 1. August 2021
Infos zur Konferenz und Anmeldung: Homepage